Buying and selling natural capital units/projects
We provide a full service for those wishing to sell or buy BNG or other natural capital units.
Natural capital is currently at the front of the minds of land managers. We believe there will be a number of ways for income to be generated into estate budgets by taking steps to improve the environment.
We provide a full service for those wishing to sell or buy BNG or other natural capital units.
We can provide strategic and tactical advice to corporate and private landowners, as well as infrastructure providers, who want to get the most out of their natural capital assets; be that what they already own or are creating as a result of other business activities.
We can appraise natural capital assets on farms and estates and advise anyone who is looking to acquire them.
If you want to carry out an environmental project, we can provide a service tailored to your needs; including sourcing and manging all the other parties that may need to be involved such as specialist legal advisors and ecologists.
For those intending on engaging in the private markets, we can provide insight into their evolution, current nuances and localised factors.
Putting land into an environmental scheme may not always be the best use of land, financially or from a wider strategic perspective. Carter Jonas works with landowners to understand their requirements and vision for their estate and can advise on the right land use to match client expectations.
As the markets evolve, new legislation and regulation emerge, we are looking to develop new products for these markets and keeping a close eye on how this will affect our clients across all sectors and are advising appropriately.
Carter Jonas, has a dedicated nationwide team of Natural Capital experts as well as experts in both rural land management and planning and development consultancy, as well as valuation, is well placed to help both landowners and developers in navigating the intricacies of the various sources of income from natural capital both from the private and public sector.
Under the Environment Act statutory BNG was introduced in England on the 12th of February 2024. Developers are now required to discharge a statutory pre commencement planning condition which requires them to leave the biodiversity relating to a development site in a better state than before they undertook the development as well as maintaining this enhancement for a minimum of 30 years; this is known as biodiversity net gain. Some local authorities already have BNG policies in place. Where it’s not possible or viable to achieve this onsite. The Environment Act has created a market for offsite Biodiversity offsetting and a national register of Habitat Banks and BNG transactions which is run by NE., This presents an opportunity for landowners who can implement an environmental improvement on their land in return for a payment from the developer.
Carter Jonas has a long legacy of managing rural land and currently has 1.3 million acres under management. This, combined with a planning and development team who is currently advising on 23,000 acres of potential development land, with the capacity for 100,000 new homes, puts Carter Jonas in an unrivalled position to match developers with landowners for mutual benefit.
Carter Jonas Natural Capital Exchange is a central point for those seeking and providing environmental services or credits to meet and trade.
Businesses looking to reduce their carbon footprint can do so by making a payment to a landowner in return for implementing a change to their land use practice which facilitates the capture of more carbon.
Thanks to our legacy of rural land management, we are well placed to match businesses looking to offset all or some of their carbon production with interested farmers and landowners. To register to be part of a scheme, please email us.
Natural Capital is also a source of income for farmers and landowners through the government’s Countryside Stewardship Scheme, which provides financial payments to farmers for managing their land in a way that provides environmental protection or benefit, including boosting wildlife and biodiversity, protecting water and soil, allowing public access and managing flood risk.
Government support post-Brexit will move away from direct payments to farmers for farming land, to a system where payments can be made for providing public benefits.
Carter Jonas is tracking progress of the new agricultural policy, including the flagship ELMS (Environmental Land Management Scheme).
Find out more about the evolving policy here.